Saturday, February 27, 2010
This time I'm blogging longer. If i can. Today, sleeping is the goal. Last night i slept at 1 a.m. Today, had to wake up at 7 A.M for swimming class. Then, while passing time before we went, i watched Teleporter 3. or is it Transport 3? Eh... it's Transport 3. I learnt butterfly in swimming class today. It's quite a dread, because i had to suffer. I always wished to be with the older ones. Swim with them. Now, my dream came true... but sadly, that means MORE laps. MORE exercise. I felt torture, i had to do more than 40 laps. "Wow. I'm only NINE! and i have to do 40 laps every class, normally, it's 60. Kbye. ==
12:48 AM